At 10:01 AM 7/30/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>> For those not going over lists and checking them twice to go to
>> convention, how're things, lace-wise? 
>Ok, so the mat/doily took several weeks, and now I feel like making a few
>quick things before the next longish project. 

"Several weeks"  is a longish project????  Interesting viewpoint.  I have
one on-going project now in it's 4th or 5th year, and only half done.  I
take it to demo's -- seldom work on it at home.

I realize that the amount of time available for lacemaking is a big factor
in how fast a project is done.  For me, a quick project is 2-5 days.
I did a bunch of those this spring while making the rose bouquet (14

However, you did bring to mind the quickie 'competition' at conference
last year.......Who has the longest-time unfinished project that you intend
to complete?  The winner was 23 years.  (And the lady next to me moaned,
"I had one for 24 years and finished it last month.")  I can claim only
10 years for one project ...... but I DO intend to finish it someday.

However... back to the original subject.

This question made me take an inventory of my pillows.  I found *seven*
empty pillows!!!  There will be a  5-day workshop next month, and I want
to have several pillows available in case I need them.  However, I found
one pillow that's brand new and never been used.  It really does need a
project to christen it.

I've worked so many hours/days this year that I've been just too tired
to even make lace -- except for the wedding garter that barely got done
in time for the bridal shower.  The wedding is this weekend, and I look
forward to seeing the bride in person.  She has both a wedding hanky and
a garter that's handmade.

The projects I have going are a 5-inch Kortelahti edging, a large trangular
Idrijan motif, a small Bayeaux oval, a small Binche round motif, a Hungarian
doily (almost done), and a 1-1/4" insertion adapted from a picture in a 
very old lace diary in a language I can't read with the pattern titled

I just got the lace book "The Lace of Peniche".  I think I'll set up one
of those patterns.  Next week.  Now I'm off for the weekend for the big

Happy lacing everyone,

Alice in Oregon -  40 demo hours in 4 days sweltering at the fair.
Oregon Country Lacemakers          
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator          
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