Good morning All,
This sounds like a shop which I know in the Shambles in York. It is not a museum street, but most of the buildings are very old, and have the typical jutting upper stories. The shop sells knitting wools, crochet cotton etc. They do have lace bobbins. The owner claims to have bought up the remainder of Dryads stocks when they finished, and the other bobbins he has are supposed to come from a local maker, name withheld. I seemed to recognise them as SMP basic bobbins however tarted up a bit with wood stain and spangled. The price has also increased by about 100%. Buyers beware.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On Saturday, August 23, 2003, at 04:40 PM, Adele Shaak wrote:

While I was in England I bought a bobbin for a souvenir in a lace store that was in the cobbles of York. BTW....if anyone on the list can tell me what the name and address of that store in York please let me know.

This is funny - I was in York, many years ago, I think it was 1987, and I went in to either that very shop or one in the same place and looked at lace bobbins. I wanted to buy some but I wasn't sure I had enough cash to then go and see the York Museum, so I went to the Museum first and then tried to go back ... and couldn't find it.

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