On 2 May 2004, at 08:53, Jean Barrett wrote:

Good morning All,
On the subject of fine threads; I was at the Lace Guild AGM in Scarborough, North Yorks. ( remember Scarborough Fair?) last weekend and I found on the sales table a reel of Knox's Linen Lace thread size 350/2! It doesn't appear in Brenda's book, so I've sent her a sample.
They told me that someone else had got to the old threads before me! Glad to hear that it was you Jean.

Now the problem is, what do I do with the other 196 yards? Was this the thread which was used for honiton, before cotton was widely available. I am not sure when Knox's was in business. That could be a useful addition to the threads book if those which are not now available had their dates of production noted.
If only I knew the answers to that one! Reels of thread don't come with 'discontinues in xxx' printed on the label!
The very finest of available threads are Egyptian gassed, which goes down to 185/2 and Brok 170/2 if you can get it, or Kreinik silk organzine. For something with more oomph which Cathy wants for her Alencon I think it's a case of finding an old thread, either a linen or maybe the tiny balls of DMC which were double spun (like Cordonnet).

It was a lovely weekend, the sun shone, it was warm and the cliffs were covered in wild primroses in full bloom.
Yes, it was a glorious weekend at Scarborough - balmy rather than bracing which one tends to expect on the east coast.

Brenda -- who went to Scarborough last weekend and the Fair (Society of Genealogists) yesterday.

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