In a message dated 19/05/2004 16:38:55 GMT Standard Time, 

> What you are all saying is
> that it is OK to take someone's work and use it for one's own material gain?

That isn't how I read the posts on this subject at all.  What they do all 
seem to be saying is that it is possible for two people to independently come up 
with very similar ideas.

If Rosemary made her first flowers in the late 70s then this predates the 
Novak ones by a considerable margin.  But no-one would think that plagiarism has 
taken place the other way round, would they!

My teaching notes are dated when I do them, ie when I need handouts for a 
class.  This doesn't necessarily mean that the design or technique they refer to 
is brand new to me, just that it's the first time I want to run a a workshop 
on them and turn them into the public arena.  Often the ideas and prototypes 
have been "work in progress" for a long time.  The same could apply to 
Rosemary's notes dated late 80's.  It is no evidence that she was influenced by Novak.

As my copy of the book has not arrived yet, I am unable to compare the 
prickings with the ones designed by Jana Novak, and I am unclear from your comment "
I had a look at Rosemary's web site and her new book" whether you have 
actually seen the book, or just the write up and pictures.   

"What I really find fascinating is that no one has taken the time to compare 
the two books and make a constructive comment"  As it is a new book not many 
of us will have had the opportunity to make this comparison yet but even if I 
had been able to, probably the only comments I could make are on the lines of 
"Yes, there are notable similarities" or "No, I think the similarities are 
minor".   Either way, it would be fairly subjective and would throw no further 
light on the influences, conscious or subconscious, behind Rosemary's design 

"I do not make any accusations, I simply state a fact."  Unfortunately, to me 
at least, it did sound accusing.  Unless you know for sure that Rosemary was 
aware of and influenced by Novak's work then what you are implying is not 
stating a fact.  The only fact is that there are similarities, your post seemed to 
take it much further.  


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