Apologies for taking up lace-space, but I suspect that lace, rather than chat is more likely to produce help...

On Jun 9, 2004, at 0:26, Avital wrote:

Tamara, people who have trouble subscribing can always be added by a
moderator or list owner. Just ask Jo to subscribe you.

Yeah, well, she says she won'/t can't, and I don't know who the other two moderators might be... :( But I've done *half* of it succesfully; I'm now signed "up" :)

But... Taking advantage of the free account (with yahoo as provider), I also took advantage of the provider's name being shorter, and expanded the username -- on yahoo, I'm t_n_lace (didn't want to put that much in front of "rockbridge", hence the simple "tpd"). But I did provide my "regular" e-address as an "alternative"

So, now, we come to the sign *in* page:


and I have no clue what to do. On the above page, I'm told I have to subscribe with the same address I use for Arachne (which is [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Or else. But the real trouble comes with the next page -- when I hit the "join this group" button, I get a page which I just simply do not understand. It uses English, so I understand each word, but they do not make any sense to me...

You're signed in as t_n_lace. If you're not t_n_lace, sign as a different user... Er? And there are others, equally "now you see it, now you don't" ones; I have no idea where to click and where not to. What's a profile (other than a left or right view of my face)? And the veryfication business? What do I do about that?

Then comes the "Please tell the group owner about yourself and why you would like to join the group (200 characters maximum)." Which instruction - not counting the spaces between words -- is 91 characters. Well, OK, I can *try*... :)

Then come the decisions about the delivery and about the format.

About the first, I'd probably want to read on the web (might be easier to access from afar? Without clogging up my tpd account, if I don't get a chance to clear it up while away?). How do I do it? And can I change it to delivered e-mails (delivered where??? to my home puter? Where I use the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address?) once I come back from Europe? On the format... Do I want the messages converted to HTML (default), or not?

The only thing I *do* understand on that page is the word I'm supposed to type in to confirm that I'm not an automaton. It's a *wrong* word; a more appropriate (and equally offensive <g>) one would have been "stupid".

So, if any of you - 20 successfully signed-in members - would, kindly, "take me by the hand and lead me through that quagmire" (in a private message, sent to the tpd address), I'd appreciate it... Sigh... Things we do for love... :)

I'm sure Yahoo doesn't care that I'm a male, 70-year-old CEO of a high
tech company <g>).

Given the state of my memory, I figured that truth might be (marginally <g>) easier to remember, should I have to re-spout it at a later date <g> Even so, it was difficult, since they didn't have a "housewife" as an option. I did consider giving DH's particulars, but the same thing applied... "Retired" didn't figure; everyone wants to be a star :)

They just want to make sure that you're not a minor.

I wonder if any minor not able to add a few years to his/her age would have a sufficienltly high IQ to be able to follow the rest of the sign-up procedure... :)

Yours, sailing the e-waves without a map, and in a leaking boat,
Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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