On Jun 9, 2004, at 23:20, Ruth Budge wrote:

Tamara, I'm sorry, but I'm laughing so much!!

Glad to be of service; if the communists had had any sense of humour, I'd have been a government-appointed comedian; it was not to be, but I still like to amuse :)

I put in my date of birth, "secret" question, etc., etc. And I actually got in there - once! When I tried to open it again, I got the "you've put in wrong details" message.

So far, I get "welcome t_n_lace" message every time... Either you've been grilled more that I had been (and/or setting up a multi-account requires more frequent checking of your bona-fides), or else Yahell (I *love* Avital's term <g>) is waitng for me to lose the slip of paper where I'd put it all down. And *then* it'll pounce... :)

No, I've had no trouble signing "up" to *Yahoo*, and getting an open-arms welcome every time I try to visit. Even the "verify" problem has sorted itself out; apparently, Yahoo sent a confirmation of registration message to my other (tpd etc), more "legitimate" account... <g> And the message got caught by the spam filter, which I check only 2-3 times a day... Once I got that, I confirmed that the tpd was a live body, and everything seems to be copacetic on that score.

It's signing *in*, *to Arachne-7*, that I come un-glued...

But Avital has promised to help, bless her... I don't know what I'd do without her; my (unsuccessful, needless to say <g>) attempt to subscribe to Arachne (June 12, '95) read, in the text: "Dear Sirs, I would like to... (etc)"; my son nearly choked, he was laughing so hard... Took *him* 3 attempts, before his fingers stopped straying to wrong keys from all that mirth...

So, I have hopes of being a part of Arachne-7 (the splendid seven? What was the *original* title of that western?) soon. I've even given Avital the "line" which is to describe me and my wishes ("200 characters maximum." What if more than 200 Arachneans want to join?)

And, since both the signing "up" and the and the signing "in" processes seem to get different, randomly picked, words as "cues", I won't keep mine a secret... Signing "up" was "small" and "clear". Signing *in* (the only thing that made sense, but was wrong all the same) required "ugly"... Like I said; it ought to have been "stupid" :)

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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