Dear Bev and other Spiders,

Last Sunday I spent the afternoon at a quilt show demonstrating bobbin lace, tatting, and crochet motifs - all for the embellishment of quilts. Another lady was messing around with beading.

Since I am not the "lace/jewelry wearing" type of person, I give my bobbin lace away - christening gowns, mounted jewelry/ring boxes, bookmarks, garters, handkerchiefs, etc. I gave a strip of Torchon to the organizer of the quilt show. She was beside herself with joy!

Today, I saw the piece of silver wire Bucks Point jewelry that Susan Lambiris made for Clay. Exquisite! And that doesn't do the beauty of the piece justice. I wish I did wear jewelry...

Happy Lacemaking,
Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bev Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Now, I very much hope I can encourage a lace group - question to
the list, if you could help me...what do you like to use bobbin lace for?
apart from studying it, deconstructing it, learning how to do it -
Gifts (and if so, what sort - wedding, bookmarks, ornaments)? decorate
clothing? use motifs on greeting cards? I need general interest appeal -
something that non-lacemakers could identify with.

In effect, this is a survey of sorts - to what uses do *you* put your

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