I think it was meant for the list at large:

Begin forwarded message:

Date: October 18, 2005 9:10:16 EDT
Subject: Re: [lace] Re: ornament holder/Treasure Island

Hi all,

I've just been looking at the Treasure Island site and wish that we had at least a few of these in the UK.  It certainly looks like a terrific place to spend a "few days".  Unfortunately their "Contact Us" button only links to telephone number and no email addy.  Still never mind, thought I'd share my views with you all any way.

 Regards, Babs (in the UK)

It's "funny" about those craft stores (and, for that matter, all the catalogues of inexpensive do-dads we get)... When I first came here, and started getting those catalogues, I thought I was in high heaven and wanted everything. Within a year, I could hardly ever find anything worth spending money on. Now, I still look at some of them, but mostly for ideas for lace. And the same thing happened to me when I first went to Michaels - every isle was just one great "ooooh, want that". But after a third visit... :)
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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