Looks like we'll be in class together!  I've managed to figure out that
Alger's silk is a french brand of silk embroidery floss.  As to
availability in this country, I have feelers out for it.  Will let you
know.  As to your other questions, I had the same ones, but since I'm
pretty much a self-taught lacer, I was too embarrassed to ask.  Thank you
for putting them out there.  I figured once I had the skeins of floss in
hand, split the thread out to singles, I'd take a stab as to how much to
wind on the bobbins.
I know nothing of the teacher, but am wondering if she doesn't realize that
materials that are easy for her to get in France, doesn't mean the same for
us.  Second thought, my french lessons will be put to the test.

Beth McCasland
Metairie, Louisiana
where it's muggy and hot and muggy

> [Original Message]
> From: Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: lace Arachne <lace@arachne.com>
> Date: 6/10/2006 8:59:06 PM
> Subject: [lace] IOLI /Montreal
> Gentle Spiders,
> Since I filled my Montreal application with only one workshop (no 
> second or third choices), I was waiting for the notification with not a 
> little trepidation; putting all one's eggs into a single (however lacy) 
> basket carries certain risks with it... :)
> But the fully stuffed envelope arrived today and I got what I asked 
> for: 24 hrs of Cluny de Brioude with Nathalie Bailly. A happy hoppity 
> (still mostly on one foot) was duly enacted, making my DH think I lost 
> the remaining two marbles :) The notification was accompanied by the 
> class pattern -- a cute pendant, using 42 bobbins and many colours. I 
> can already see the potential of turning the pendnt into wire lace but 
> I'll wait till I've learnt all I can from the workshop about the 
> techniques themselves _as intended_ by the teacher, before I start  
> fiddling with it. I find it easier to be "on the same page" with the 
> teacher in class, and use what she has to impart as the springboard 
> later, at home.
> But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" 
> (whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches?  I'm supposed to have 2 
> skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good 
> source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each 
> colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous 
> experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)
> Brenda's book ("Thread for Lace" -- without which, not) does have both 
> threads listed and, I suppose, following her measurements, I could find 
> substitutes. But -- vide above -- I prefer to stick to what the teacher 
> tells me, the first time out.
> Advice on sources (preferably in US or Canada) for those threads will 
> be gratefully received.
> PS I don't know whether there'll be no vegetarians at the Convention or 
> whether their food at the banquet is pre-determined (wonder what 
> they're getting?) but the dedicated carnivorae like myself have two 
> _superb_ choices; none of your traditionally institutional chicken 
> and/or beef for the international lacemakers...  The "surf" is 
> scallops, the "turf" is "deer surlonge", which I take to be venison. 
> Wow!!! Reminds me of the time I flew Air France and, for once, actually 
> enjoyed the flight because of good food (and even better wines <g>), 
> even though the occasion for the flight was not at all happy.
> -- 
> Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
> Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
> -
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