On 11 Jun 2006, at 02:54, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

But that begs a question... Where do I get "Alger Silk (1 strand/7)" (whatever that means... 7 waht? Cm? Inches? I'm supposed to have 2 skeins of 8 meters of that, to wind on 36 bobbins)? Also, what's a good source of "Ovale Silk 5 different colours (one bobbin for each colour)"? Neither of them resides in my stash; for my previous experiments in coloured French laces I used Pipers silk (as required)

Sounds as though it's Au ver a Soie D'Alger which is a stranded thread
(I've got it listed as 2S/8S but should be 2S/7S) :-(

Two 8m skeins to wind onto 36 bobbins, is *either* less than 1m for each pair of bobbins, *or* you use a single strand and have plenty of length for each bobbin.

Sorry, can't help with USA / Canada suppliers but others have.


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