I rarely come across famed lace, - and then usually, it has had the glass removed - part of the show requirements - "No glass". Many shows specify that the lace should only be mounted at the top, so the Judge can access the reverse side.

Here in Oz, at the show where I usually judge the lace, most lace is just tacked to a coloured card backing.

As it is a small show there are only 4 classes, with a)Open, and b) Novice in all categories.
1) Article of continuous lace (Beds, Bucks Point, Torchon)
2) Any other article of lace other than above (excluding knitting or crocheting)
3)Any article of tatting,
4) Garment or article decorated with Handmade Lace or Tatting.

I managed to get the continuous lace separated from the sectional lace a few years ago - it is hard to judge torchon, beds, etc against honiton! I feel these classes could be better worked out, and maybe a category for "needlelace & needlemade laces". I must have a chat to them after Christmas, I think. At the moment any NL goes into class 2 - along with sectional lace!

I try to make positive and encouraging remarks as feedback to the entrant. This is not the place for criticism. As I may recognise some of the lace as I may have seen it being made, I always declare that to the Steward when I start the judging.

There is nothing to indicate whether it is an own design or from another source, - unless the entrant has marked it "Own Design".

Our State Fair equivalent - The Royal Melbourne Show - is a dead loss. They have raised the entry fee for each piece of lace to a ridiculous price, and I no longer enter. They cut down the variety of classes, and lumped most laces together in one class, and then cahrge an arm and a leg to enter, so I have opted out. I send my lace to other shows all over Australia, and overseas in preference. The Melb. show people have just got too greedy, - but are complaining that there are not many entries. The Judges have repeatedly told them they are too expensive, - but their reaction is to increase the entry fees again!!!. The prize is a small card with about 4" of ribbon stapled to it! I don't enter for the prize in any show, but, like others have said, it is to get the craft in the public eye. But one has to draw the line somewhere, and when some shows only charge $2 entry per piece, why does the Melb. show charge a wopping $9 per entry? I prefer to send 4 entries (plus the postage) to other shows than one piece to the local one.
(I am becoming a "Grumpy Old Lady!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))  )

Having said all that, I will now Unsubscribe for the holiday period, so I wish you all a Happy and safe Christmas and New Year. I will be sitting in the boat up a river doing some filet lace - while DH does some fishing. I bet my work is more productive - but don't quote me!!!!!!!!!!! :))

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.
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