I recall many years ago in our couuntry county in Virginia, the Home
Demonstration Club had a class? project? or whatever that they were
covering opera pumps with fabric.  My mother had had polio so couldn't
wear pumps but did cover a pair of her "old ladies comforts."  It was a
situation of sanding the finish off the shoe, covering it with glue,
stretching the bias fabric over the glued surface, and trimming with an
Xacto knife around the crevice where the leather meets the sole.  If I
recall they covered the heel as well.  Why not use the same technique
with lace? Happy lacemaking,Betty Ann in Roanoke, Virginia USA who cannot
wait until June when we'll be at Sweet Briar for Lace!!! On 03/02/12,
Clay Blackwell<clayblackw...@comcast.net> wrote: I know it is available,
but I'm not sure exactly where. In needlepoint
shops everywhere, they have painted canvases which can be made into
slippers or shoes after being worked. I suspect that it's a matter of
finding a cobbler who does more than just replacing heels and soles. I
just did a web search on "shoe cobbling" and came up with a number of
sites that mention learning to make shoes. So custom shoes can be made
if one can just find the shoemaker!


On 3/2/2012 5:05 PM, Adele Shaak wrote:
> Hi Clay and everybody else:
> Some years ago a woman from Singapore (I think) came to my needle arts
guild and brought her hand-embroidered shoes for Show 'n Tell. I thought
they'd be like Sherlock Holmes' persian slippers, but no, they were
proper professionally made leather-soled 2" heels. Where she came from a
woman showed her embroidery skill by embroidering fabric which she then
took them to a shoe-making service that backed the embroidery and then
fashioned it into the upper part of the shoe. I think it was kind of like
making a trousseau - you weren't ready to be married until you'd finished
your shoes.
> I'm wondering if that sort of service is available in North America,
because I think we could really start a fashion for making your own lace
shoes, and not just for weddings. Anybody know?
> Adele
> North Vancouver, BC
> (west coast of Canada)
>> I was at a wedding last weekend where nearly all the young women were
wearing those atrocities (shoe style, not the lace!) and a few
40-something's with the "Demi Moore Syndrome" were also staggering around
in them. I know their feet will give them serious problems way earlier
than usual, but of course they only think of fashion, and think they'll
be young forever. The smarter ones had kicked off their shoes before
dinner started!
>> Clay
>>> Have a look at this for a fashion statement.
>>> http://pinterest.com/pin/189151253069377511/
>>> ;
>>> Brenda in Allhallows
>>> www.brendapaternoster.co.uk

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