The only way I can think of is by ratio and proportion.  Design a small square
for a design similar to what you plan for the bolero and work it in the same
thread you plan to use. Measure the square cm. When you get the finished shape
of the bolero, measure its square cm. Go by ratio.  Or go by weight. You will
know, or can measure the weight of 1 spool of the thread you will use. (Most
manufacturers give you the weight rather than length in meters or yards.) You
then measure the weight of the finished little square. Then do a ratio

Y = sq cm of little square
W = weight of finished square of y sq cm
bolero = S sq cm
S/Y = H      how many little squares make up the size of the bolero
H x W =  T      TOTAL WEIGHT of thread needed for bolero
Z = weight of thread on spool
T/Z =  number of spools  of thread you will need


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