On 22 March 2014 13:11, Marcin Miłkowski <list-addr...@wp.pl> wrote:

>> There is no 'content' information in attributes -and anyway
>> Relax NG validation can check that. It is just the XML content
>> that needs checking.
> Than we could simply create a very simplistic parser that forwards all
> textual content of all elements to LT and annotates everything else as
> non-text. The only trick is that Java XML parsers wouldn't allow us to
> see entities, raw encoding etc., so we might get mismatch for character
> positions in that cases. I'd need to see how this is solved in Okapi
> toolkit where raw XML is prepared for translation in XLIFF.

I'd suggest parsing first to expand entities to obtain 'full' content.

> Are there xml:lang attributes on docbook elements? We could use them to
> set LT to use proper language. This is a bit more complex but could work.

Yes. 'Most' block and inline elements can take xml:lang attribute... I nearly
suggested this wrt the post on mixed languages earlier today.
Issues: xml:lang values would need to match ISO ...639(tbc).
 What of languages which don't? simply discard the value?

How might a language change be marked up (metadata) on the plain text?
A solution to this might meet the needs of plain text language switch?
  Perhaps http://www.w3.org/International/articles/ruby/


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

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