Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

Sorry so far behind on posts.  I will probably have to lurk more than post the next 
few weeks.  It is not that I don't have
much to say (that would never happen--BG), but am swamped--quarterly evaluation 
summary due; I have to submit the department
budget by April 3rd; am rewriting the testbank for Allyn & Bacon, and have a teaching 
overload this quarter.  Got tired, just
writing about it <G>.  But will try to post a little if I can.

Sorry to piggyback on this post to include some other stuff, but I am pressed for time 
today.  So here goes.  Forgive me <G>

I was so surprised when I saw that there is a "Minnesota Connection" to this case.  
The grandparents live a short distance from
Austin and my collegue that I do research with and teach with was on local tv (don't 
know if it will appear nationally) was
interviewed.  He grew up with older boy's father, worked at the Faribault prison with 
the boy's mother, would not allow his
children to play with the boy when they were neighbors, and was involved with the boy 
when Tom was the police chief in Grand
Meadows.  So he knows a lot of the history.  He said the boy was always a problem and 
the parents could not control him, no
matter what they did.

I am really beginning to wonder about all of Washington.  I wonder how much it cost us 
taxpayers to find out what books Monica
is reading??  Now that is an important issue, I would think.

There is a site on the Web I will try to get the address for Dr. L. on computer 
culture.  It sounds like it is a new site.
They also list a site of professionals you can link with that are discussing computer 
issues and that may be of interest to

I will post right after going through the old e-mail after on polygraph testing in 
response to Terry.  I tried to send an
attached file, but it was too long.  Sorry again Kathy.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> I think that you are right about that one.  Even during his first
> campaign he was running with the Hollywood celebs, and was sort of a
> part of them.  Even went on the Arsenio Hall show and played his horn.
> People do tend to forgive celebs anything.  Even if they go to jail.
> Hillary standing by him certainly didn't hurt at all.
> Another thing that has been brought up is the fact that people are
> uneasy about getting into his private sexual life.  I think that might
> have a lot to do with it too.  I have thought about the fact that if
> they can get into his, what is stopping them from getting into any one
> of ours.  Although mine would certainly be boring.  <BEG>
> Sue

In the sociology room the children learn
that even dreams are colored by your perspective

I toss and turn all night.    Theresa Burns, "The Sociology Room"

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