[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 2 Apr 1998 06:33:10 -0800 "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>"Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Bill
>>Too bad the Judge can't make Paula pay all Clintons legal bills.  
>What are
>>the right wing wacko gonna try next?
>No but I bet the "left wing wackos" can still contribute to the 
>Defense Fund. Put your money where your mouth is.  Ron

LOL..at least THOSE contributors can count on the fact that Clinton won't
use the money to buy clothes or get his hair fixed at the mall. <BG>

And it's much more satisfying for people to contribute to a defense fund
of someone who has been wrongfully accused.  As Judge Wright confirmed


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