Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

It is true about growing up with guns in this neck of the woods.  Hunting is
almost a given if you ask someone their hobbies.  It is not unusual to go into
someone's house and the first thing you see are the hunting and fishing trophies
(mounted of course).  I think that is why it is so shocking to many in this area
when they read of guns being used to kill others.  Not that it doesn't happen, of
course.  We have a murder right now that is going to trial where two young men
went over and shot another young man.  I guess the only difference is that the
feeling is "lock'em up and throw away the key."

The stories here are about the same--some say he was an angel; others he was a
little devil.  One reason may be that the father lived in Grand Meadow and the
grandparents in Spring Valley, I believe.  Maybe Mitchell behaved differently in
each community.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> I heard some of the people who live there say that children and guns go
> together in that part of the country, and that it is not in the least
> bit unusual to see 4-5-6 year olds out "hunting" with their parents.
> I would think if this is the case that the children are so accustomed to
> having guns around them that this in itself would not be the big factor
> in why this happened.
> There are children coming forward saying that the older boy was a bully,
> and he had threatened to kill kids before this happened.  In fact one of
> the kids said that the boy told him he was going to shoot some of the
> kids.  Sounds like a lot of pent up anger and hostility to me.
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Bill
> >
> > The tornado at St Peter edged out any news on the 13 year old in our
> > wonderful paper.  But, yesterday Tom (the one that was the police chief in
> > Grand Meadow) and I talked to the county sheriff and it sounds like the
> > child has not had an easy time.  But, it still shouldn't have caused him to
> > kill others.  I do know that guns were left lying around the house when he
> > lived up here and the mother was not worried as she said the kids knew
> > about guns and what they go do.  She also said that they wouldn't touch the
> > guns.
> >
> > jackief
> --
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