[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

>Hi Bill:
>The law here is that if you own a gun and a kid gets a hold of that 
>and either hurts himself or someone else with it, you are held liable. 
>But if your gun is stolen, I don't think that they hold you liable for
>any crimes that are committed with it.  I don't see how they could
>unless may it would be because you may have had that gun illegally, 
>as not registered or something.  Or maybe not reported it stolen.

HI Sue,

I think there should be a general crime of "irresponsible gun ownership"
that would cover a variety of cases when someone's gun is either used for
a crime or involved in an accidental shooting.  The severity of the crime
should be commensurate with the event involving the gun.

And, IMO, getting one's gun stolen is an example of irresponsible
ownership.  After all, if the purpose of a gun is to protect oneself from
being robbed, then it seems ludicrous to get robbed of that gun.


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