Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

I grew up with guns and rifles around me too.  And hunting was just
something that my dad, uncles, and their friends did.  My dad made sure
we all knew how to handle guns and shoot when we were really young.  But
I think it was a different time.  You didn't hear of kids shooting each
other, or even the drive bys, etc that are going on now.  :(

I just read the TIME article and the mother certainly isn't helping the
situation any, IMO.  Of course I don't know how I would act if it were
one of my kids that had done this, either.

Another article that I just read says that the boy was sexually molested
when he was young.  The living conditions that these people lived in
certainly aren't all that good either.

What is strange is that you hear on television that the people in the
area don't want these kids treated as adults, they almost forgive them
for what happened.  And then you read in the papers and such that the
kids are getting death threats.   

It really is a sad situation, and the worst part, IMO, is that no matter
what happens neither kid is going to get help, and will probably come
out of juvenile detention in 4-7 years a lot worse than when they went


> Hi Sue
> It is true about growing up with guns in this neck of the woods.  Hunting is
> almost a given if you ask someone their hobbies.  It is not unusual to go into
> someone's house and the first thing you see are the hunting and fishing trophies
> (mounted of course).  I think that is why it is so shocking to many in this area
> when they read of guns being used to kill others.  Not that it doesn't happen, of
> course.  We have a murder right now that is going to trial where two young men
> went over and shot another young man.  I guess the only difference is that the
> feeling is "lock'em up and throw away the key."
> The stories here are about the same--some say he was an angel; others he was a
> little devil.  One reason may be that the father lived in Grand Meadow and the
> grandparents in Spring Valley, I believe.  Maybe Mitchell behaved differently in
> each community.
> jackief

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