Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

The law here is that if you own a gun and a kid gets a hold of that gun
and either hurts himself or someone else with it, you are held liable. 
But if your gun is stolen, I don't think that they hold you liable for
any crimes that are committed with it.  I don't see how they could
unless may it would be because you may have had that gun illegally, such
as not registered or something.  Or maybe not reported it stolen.

> Hi Jackie,
> Yeah, we have people getting injured and killed via gunshots down here
> and it always seems to be someone who would never touch the gun or who
> had gone through such an intensive training and safety course that they'd
> never have an accident.
> Then we have those brilliant people who don't lock up their guns and
> manage to get them stolen.  There's a Catch 22 for you.  How can you
> protect yourself with a gun if you have to keep it locked up? <G>
> A senator from Illinois is presenting a bill that would create a law to
> punish gun owners whose guns are stolen and then used in a crime, or
> whose guns are involved in an accidental shooting.  Of course, the NRA
> opposes this.
> Bill

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