[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

The biggest problem with the gun ownership is the large number of people
who are irresponsible and shouldn't even own an air rifle.  If the laws
were strengthened to punish irresponsible gun owners and if these people
went to jail for actions leading to death or injury via one of their
guns, then perhaps we'd see some decrease in the deaths and injuries
attributed to guns.  

But even this would cause problems because we've all see the person who
had been very responsible and safety conscious make that one fatal

A friend of mine was quite lucky.  He had bagged a huge buck and was so
excited that he dragged it to his truck, put his rifle in the case and
threw it in the back of the truck along side the deer.  On the way home
he hit a bump and the rifle (which he failed to unload) went off.  The
bullet hit something and split into several pieces.  He caught a few
pieces in the butt.  It could have been a lot worse.


On Fri, 03 Apr 1998 16:35:04 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill
>I know that there are good arguments on both sides of the camp on this
>issue.  I grew up with guns in the house all my life and my girls were 
>gun safety and the whole works.  I shoot although not the greatest and 
>Ed is
>a target shooter.  Of course, we do not have children in the house and 
>dobes are a pretty good protection system against them getting stolen. 
> We
>have a number of LE friends who Ed shoots with and I enjoy the 
>outings.  So
>it would be difficult for me, personally, to support the banning of 
>guns even
>though I see they do have some valid points and see how often guns are 
>readily available for those who shouldn't have guns.  The assault 
>weapons are
>something else entirely though--this IMO should not even be 

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