[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

I agree in principle, but when you have such a disparity between the US
and most other countries with respect to numbers of people who are
injured or killed via gun shots I think it is imperative to look for as
many ways as possible to reduce these numbers.  I know one can make the
same analogy with respect to automobiles but this becomes apples and
oranges when one considers the cost/benefit and the need for an
automobile vs the need to own a gun.


On Sat, 04 Apr 1998 19:02:19 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill
>The one big problem I see with not allowing responsible people to make 
>choice is that if you do that, what will be the next thing outlawed.  
>once it is illegal, then the black market thrives and we start seeing 
>more problems.  Also, they wouldn't be licensed--I know our target 
>guns are
>so that we are legal when we transport them.  Even if outlawed, you 
>always find that people will be shot, IMO.
>There was an excellent program on today about a new lockup system that 
>keep guns away from children, I think.  But you have to be a 
>person and unload, tear down, and lock them up.
>William J. Foristal wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>> Hi Jackie,
>> The biggest problem with the gun ownership is the large number of 
>> who are irresponsible and shouldn't even own an air rifle.  If the 
>> were strengthened to punish irresponsible gun owners and if these 
>> went to jail for actions leading to death or injury via one of their
>> guns, then perhaps we'd see some decrease in the deaths and injuries
>> attributed to guns.
>> But even this would cause problems because we've all see the person 
>> had been very responsible and safety conscious make that one fatal
>> mistake.
>> A friend of mine was quite lucky.  He had bagged a huge buck and was 
>> excited that he dragged it to his truck, put his rifle in the case 
>> threw it in the back of the truck along side the deer.  On the way 
>> he hit a bump and the rifle (which he failed to unload) went off.  
>> bullet hit something and split into several pieces.  He caught a few
>> pieces in the butt.  It could have been a lot worse.
>> Bill
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