Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

You mean the newspapers in CA have heard about my research <VVBG>.  It is ironic
sometimes how when I am looking for something--suddenly it appears in the media.  I
know it is just because our attention switches and we notice it, but it is funny.  I
too would wonder if anyone has connected the two to at least examine the possibility.
For one thing, it would explain how mothers were exposed to a teratogen.  If they found
some association, then they would have to figure out why some are protected and others
not.  Would make a fascinating study for some medical researcher I would think


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> In the first trimester.
> I couldn't believe my eyes this morning.  On our front page there is a
> story about how they have found out that Nitrates are getting into our
> water supply via diary runoff.  Down further on the page is a story on
> how SIDs is increasing in the county.  Now maybe I am pushing the
> envelope on this, but do you think that someone might just think there
> could be a relationship in these two stories?
> There they were together on the front page on todays newspaper.
> Sue
> > Sue
> >
> > This is great.  Saved it in my psych. folder.  I would imagine if there is no
> > genetic link that it would likely be a teratogen.  Doesn't the brain stem develop
> > early in the pregnancy if I remember right.
> >
> > jackief
> --
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