Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Sue

Thanks for letting me know about Loma Linda.  Guess it is more than one researcher 
<BG>.  Do you
know if they have a 'homepage?'  They might have some of their research on the web.  I 
wonder if
their doctors have written on the causes of conjoined twins.  The hospital must be 
like Mayo here
in MN., but with a different focus.  Here, I think infants are sent to the U of M 
hospital.  They
have a really good neonatal unit I am told.

The spraying of Malathion doesn't sound very safe to me after you posted all the 
precautions they
want people to take.  DDT was once thought to be great, wasn't it.  Are they still 
Malathion there?  Would be interesting to look up stats (oh horrors) on incidences, 
prevalence and
causes of death in the areas they spray this stuff in and compare them.  Oh, I bet 
agencies etc. hate having an informed public <VVBG>.

Proof readers only look for mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation, I think.  
They don't
read for content.  I bet they couldn't even tell you what an article was about.  
Gripes, our paper
didn't even see the tie between the two school teachers being accused of the same 
crime at
approximately the same time.  I would have thought that MN newspapers would have 
followed this
more closely--no such thing occurred.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

> Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Jackie:
> I'm sorry I should have said.  :)  Loma Linda is a big University here
> in Riverside.  It also boasts Loma Linda Hospital which specializes in
> infants.  In fact it is the place where most of the physicians around
> the country send their cardiac infants who need transplants.
> sinpped

> The reason they were spraying Malathion was because of the fruit fly.
> This thing could demolish our agriculture.  They said the spray was
> harmless, but I still wonder when they take all those precautions.
> I thought that they had proof readers at the newspapers.  But it has
> been so long since I have been around one that I am sure things have
> changed dramatically.  We don't even have paperboys anymore.  That is
> how much it has changed here in So Ca.
> Sue
> >
> > Hi Sue
> >
> > At the risk of exposing my lack of knowledge <G>, who is Loma Linda?  I assume a 
> > researcher??
> >
> > Don't they have people who are hired to read newspapers to connect stories that 
> > unrelated?  I thought I heard that at one time.
> >
> > That spray stuff you mention may be one factor that could be considered in any 
> > especially when you are told to bring pets in, and cover inanimate objects.  Of 
>course, then
> > we would have to determine what was more important--possible effects on the unborn 
>vrs our
> > comfort in sitting outdoors with no insects.  (Just being cynical, here).
> >
> > jackief
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