Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

I'm sorry I should have said.  :)  Loma Linda is a big University here
in Riverside.  It also boasts Loma Linda Hospital which specializes in
infants.  In fact it is the place where most of the physicians around
the country send their cardiac infants who need transplants.

A lot of the medical "news" that you see lately about infant
transplants, conjoined twins being separated, etc are a result of Loma
Linda's excellent pediatric staff.

I don't know if you remember a few years back or not the case of the
baby who could not get a transplant and as a last resort they
transplanted a baboon heart into the infant.  Anyway that was a Loma
Linda patient.  They are now working on a conjoined pair of twins who
share the same legs, liver, etc, and trying to find out if there is any
way they can be separated.  Catherine worked for them for a while when
she lived out here.  :)

The reason they were spraying Malathion was because of the fruit fly. 
This thing could demolish our agriculture.  They said the spray was
harmless, but I still wonder when they take all those precautions.

I thought that they had proof readers at the newspapers.  But it has
been so long since I have been around one that I am sure things have
changed dramatically.  We don't even have paperboys anymore.  That is
how much it has changed here in So Ca.  

> Hi Sue
> At the risk of exposing my lack of knowledge <G>, who is Loma Linda?  I assume a 
> researcher??
> Don't they have people who are hired to read newspapers to connect stories that seem
> unrelated?  I thought I heard that at one time.
> That spray stuff you mention may be one factor that could be considered in any 
> especially when you are told to bring pets in, and cover inanimate objects.  Of 
>course, then
> we would have to determine what was more important--possible effects on the unborn 
>vrs our
> comfort in sitting outdoors with no insects.  (Just being cynical, here).
> jackief

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