Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Jackie:

LOL  Maybe you could get a job out here or something.  :)

Loma Linda is here so probably someone other that I picked up on this,
but I just thought it was so ironic how these two stories appeared on
the same day on the front page of the paper.

Of course these were two different reporters so they probably had no
idea what the other was doing, but you would think the editor would
catch it.

A couple of years back we had that stupid Malathion spraying all over
the place too.  There were gallons of that stuff dropped from
helicopters every night for weeks.  I don't imagine that, that was all
that good for anyone.  They advised that you cover your car, shut your
windows, and bring in any pets as well as any lawn furniture, etc.  If
that was important to do, I would imagine that the stuff couldn't have
been that good to breathe in or anything else.


> Hi Sue
> You mean the newspapers in CA have heard about my research <VVBG>.  It is ironic
> sometimes how when I am looking for something--suddenly it appears in the media.  I
> know it is just because our attention switches and we notice it, but it is funny.  I
> too would wonder if anyone has connected the two to at least examine the possibility.
> For one thing, it would explain how mothers were exposed to a teratogen.  If they 
> some association, then they would have to figure out why some are protected and 
> not.  Would make a fascinating study for some medical researcher I would think
> jackief

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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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