Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Doc:

The man's attorney and the women's attorney were on (I think) it was The
Today show the other day.  The man's attorney is now saying that he is
suing one of the women in a civil court.  I don't think he should be
doing this, simply because the women's attorney is just hoping and
waiting for the opportunity to go after him. :)   She said things would
be a whole lot different in a civil court as opposed to an army court.

I think your advise is great.  "Don't get mad, get even."  And I think
if this guy keeps pushing it he will find out that these women can and
will get even.  <BG>

> Sue, I don't think it's necessarily true that no one believed them.  A jury
> cannot convict just because it "believes" something.  There must be evidence.
> And in this, as in most similar cases, the evidence was lacking.  (My off the
> cuff answer to your rhetorical question is, don't get mad, get even.)
> Doc

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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