John Stoneham wrote:
On Jan 30, 2008 1:00 AM, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anyway, I think I explained now what makes it special in depth. Either
the dev's will think it's cool, or they won't. I won't feel bad if they
don't - it's their prerogative, but at least let it be judged fairly.

Well, *I* think it's very cool. In fact, when I get back around to my
life-long pet project (a chess engine extraordinaire :) this will be
the first library I look at for the board UI.

Thanks, it's nice to have a vote of confidence- a chess board will not even need half the features :)

I finished the collisionDetection system today. Now only two things remain on my 1.0 TODO list.

1) The events from the colisionDetection, that's pretty easy, just set up some TNotifyEvents. 2) THIS is the tricky one so I would like some advice on how I should do it. TDoubleBuffer needs to have OnKeyDown,OnKeyUp and OnKeypressed events. Being a TCustomControl descendent, it doesn't have them - TControl does - but it doesn't have a paint handler. Basically - there is no component that has a paint handler that also handles key input.
In the Delphi world people get around this by using callbacks and hooks.
That's fine, if you are only on windows. Now sure, I could probably go put in a bunch of IFDEF's and try to emulate them on each of the widgetsets... but somehow I don't think that's the right way. The other way I can think of is to just code the keyboardEvents in, by copying and pasting from one of the components that do have it - that seems like clutter though - code duplication is never a good idea right.

So is there a third way I haven't thought of ? I am very open to suggestions and I'm sure somebody here knows something I don't :)

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Clarke's law "Any technology that is distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced" -Gehm's corollary "Any technologist that is distinguishable from a magician is insufficiently advanced" - My corollary
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