Me too, I'd like to play around and maybe do something useful (or
funny :) with it. It could at least be put on the CCR if not into
lazarus distribution itself.
That may be a good start. I'll submit it to the CCR as soon as I finish 1.0
Please note I combined two posts below:

How about a middle ground: create a new TKeyboardEvents unit using
code from one of the components that already has it. Yes you will have
the initial code duplication in creating the unit in the first place,
but this would allow adding keyboard events to other controls simply
by inheriting from the base class. In fact, this may be something that
the LCL could use and incorporate itself in the future, if you get it
working property.
I'm not sure about this one - as it would mean anything that needs keyboardevents cannot be descended from anything else (e.g. a customControl or it's descendents like tpicture). However it might be possible to create a small component TKeyboardListener or something that DOES have these events, can take focus but isn't actually VISIBLE(is this last bit possible ? Perhaps if you hardcode it's width and height properties to be locked to 0) . Then anybody who needs to capture keyEvents globally would be able to drop one on a form and use it, and components like TDoubleBuffer could just instantiate one (or hook into one through a property - perhaps better).

This would actually I think be an incredibly useful GENERAL add-on to the LCL as it would create a platform independent way of doing what windows coders do with callbacks and hooks. Somebody with deeper LCL knowledge want to comment on this ?

I haven't looked into the sources deeply, but can't you override some
OnKeyXxx-methods to get the key events?
I don't think there ARE any to overwrite- perhaps in the parent class for TCustomControl, but they aren't republished. If you use override though - you may as well rewrite them as you'll need to do the same work anyway - it doesn't solve the clutter-and-duplicate problem.

If not, maybe hooking into the surrounding forms events would suffice.
This was my first idea, but unfortunately, it doesn't work at all. The reason is that forms only get keyboard focus onActivate and even then they only keep it if there is no focusable components - else it's hardpassed to the component with focus preference. Running Form.SetFocus throws an exception (Form cannot take focus) - [why is it there if it cannot be called ?] If there is a way to make a form take keyboard focus to itself so it's keyEvents work even if there are focusable components on it then I haven't found it yet.

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