> And please forgive me for not living in the past. OpenGL accelerated desktops 
> far beyond what compiz/aero/etc can do are the future.
> And I am not getting tired of promoting OpenGL. FPC works with OpenGL very 
> nicely and can deliver high quality and high performance graphics as good as 
> any C/C++ application. We just need to show this to the masses. You win 
> people with eye-candy as Ubuntu has shown.
> Once again it is not against AJs GamePack (it has its purpose and target 
> audience), but it is to show that nowadays graphics are done different than 
> more than 10 years ago.
Background, background, background. I spent the previous 5 years of my
life developing software to run on thin-client machines. My current
major project is frequently used on them. In other words -less than 1%
of MY userbase HAS openGL capable hardware.
The same goes for many others, including those who are writting for
embedded platforms (there is no reason why gamepack shouldn't work
fine with lazarus for WinCE).
Stating that there is a more modern technology for many uses, does not
invalidate the use-case NOT met by that technology.
We've had cars for over a hundred years... so why do people still ride
bycicles ? Why are bycicles today so much more advanced than a hundred
years ago  ?Why did people keep researching, improving and refining a
technology when there was another one that was so much more powerful ?
Because it had a few small advantages that cars don't have (for
starters, a 3 year old can learn to use a bycicle safely) - and while
this may be a minority case, in over a century those use-cases have,
if anything, INCREASED.
So in the same spirit don't think developing 2D graphics suites in the
age of 3D is a step back, it's merely a step forward in a different
direction, for those times when you want to be somewhere else.

Anyway, I've said my piece I think. No need to start a flamewar here.
I'll be releasin 1.0 soon to the CCR whence it can follow it's own
path. From now on though, I will only discuss it on the list when
people have tecnical questions, or I want advice on solving technical
problems., not in terms of the merit of it's existence.


A.J. Venter
Director of Product Development
Tel.: +27 21 554 5059
Fax: +27 11 252 9197
Outkast Solutions IT
A division of Global Pact Trading Pty Ltd.

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