> (1) Which version of TrueCrypt are you using?

> (2) Which version of Mac OS are you running?

> I am able to confirm that on Mac OS X 10.6.2 with TrueCrypt 6.3a that the 
> vsdbutil is able to enable permissions on the volume.

> Is the volume Athens_Backup mounted when you issue the vsdbutil command to 
> enable permissions?
yes. Command is issued as sudo, and no output is given (fails silently?)

> There may be something else going on with your system and that could be why 
> the vsdbutil command is not working.
I will try posing the question to TrueCrypt and see if anyone has seen
this before. In the mean time, I will do a test backup on a small
hdiutil partition to see if it works. I will surely document my work.

In terms of scripts, I was going to cron a backup every 2 hours
assuming that the backup directory is in place- if not, it would fail
silently. Additionally, automator can run the backup script when the
volume is successfully mounted using truecrypt. I do not think these
are highly technical things, but I will put the scripts up anyway.
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