Dear Harald,

> I never thought about using more than one configuration, thanks for pointing
> this out, it would  need more space, but nowadays diskspace is cheap.
Yes it really depends upon the amount of redundancy required and the size of 
your data set.

> Lsync sounds nice too, I have one or two offsite locations I may use for
> syncing.
Yes it also may be used as a backup tool.

> But the warning to not use it productive scares me a little bit.
LBackup is used by a number of institutions around the globe. It was even 
deployed and being used in production prior to 2007 (prior to being released 
under the GNU GPL). There is no one size fits all backup system. 

As you have mentioned diskspace is not super expensive. Why not run a number of 
backups to increase the redundancy of your data. LBackup not only makes this 
easy but it encourages this approach. 

> Sparse bundles as far as I know don't exist in linux . As far as I know you
> could use an hfs+ volume within linux, but normally there is no real reason
> to do this for a linuxuser (if he doesn't want to share a partition between
> Mac and a Linux box)

It is not a requirement for off site backups. However, it makes syncing a large 
backup set really fast with rsync. Typically, the only data transferred via the 
network with such a setup is the updated files (since the last sync). Combining 
this with LBackup in a backup chain allows you to keep a number of copies off 

> I have a list of some backup programs I try to go trough and test, I hope on
> weekend I have some time to start my backup.


> If I have any further questions I'll post again.

You are most welcome. If you have any problems on Ubuntu then please let me 

I would suggest as a first step just install LBackup and then setup a test 
backup as outlined :

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