I just got word back from PQI, I should get a data sheet in a couple of
weeks. It won't be availiable until May though :(

########### snip ######################3

Dear Lynn

Yes, we are now ready to present the first model of our Secure Disk on 
Module product; it will be formally launch to the market in May, this 
product is perfectly for those applications, which just likes you 

PQI now is the market leader in Taiwan and Europe for this type of 
product, Secure DOM is our latest DOM product; it also being asked by 
many of customers who just like you since one and half year ago. 
Because for the password type DOM can not satisfy with their needs 

I will send you the datasheets of this product in the end of this 
month, because PQI will close for the Chinese New Year from Feb. 9 to 
Feb. 17. After you go through those product descriptions, I ensure you 
will be very interested to this wonderful DOM/HDD solution.


Sam Lu 
Information Appliance Division.  

######### end of snip #########################

If the CS modification to the ATA cable will work, I'll be willing to
manufacture some for the group (or a module as Arnie noted, this
will require 12" ATA cables though ... 24" max length).

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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