At 12:06 PM 2/26/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I have no objection to this, but we would need several things to 
>happen.  Files stored there would have to be updated through some 
>mechanism when there is one in place already on sourceforge.

Maybe the primary file storage site should not be at SF. Same for the web
pages. Kind of like what Charles has set up for his web pages. See Then mirror (rsync?) the files to
secondary locations (SF, Ibiblio, etc.).

>But the big one is will they set up the vhost for 
>  Currently I can't direct to a sub directory through 
>DNS.  Unless we want to state in the download instructions page you start 
>here \and\drill\down\to\linux\leaf?

IIRC Ibiblio will vhost ???.org type web sites. But not ???.com as that
is commercial. Don't know if they will vhost an ftp site.

But as to the second point, the easiest way would be to list in the download instructions.

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