On Thursday 28 February 2002 00:45, Mike Noyes wrote:

> This is where we disagree. I believe this is a single project with
> many releases/branches. ref.

This I agree with, w/o necessarily heading in the same exact direction.

>>D Douthitt wrote:
> >I'd like to see each distro get:
> >
> >* Freshmeat entry
> >* ibiblio directory
> >* Linux.com entry in distribution listing...
> >* Any other archives/collections...
> This sounds like a proposed split. It's exactly the opposite of what
> I've been trying to do. What happens when a release/branch is made
> obsolete by a new one (e.g. Eigerstein -> Dachstein)? Do we create a
> bunch of new directories and records for each new release/branch? I
> belive this would lead to fragmentation.

No new format to this site, rather each release taking the effort to
update the proposed alternate _download_ mirrors such as Ibiblio,
tucows, freshmeat, Dave Central, etc.....

Not a proposed split, but rather a defined release of the individual
releases/branches that reside, are supported, and developed within
the umbrella supersite that is LEAF. A split would occur when someone
chooses to remove the support, development, sharing of ideas and 
methods, and ultimately the disk space of the individual part _from_

I've seen David respond to a Dachstein question, I've seen Charles
respond to a Oxygen question, and I know for a fact that almost everyone
including myself has taken a stab at a LRP 2.9.4 or earlier question at
some point in time. I don't think anyone has ever told someone that they
couldn't use their package in someone else's branch if they wanted to.
But I have seen someone create a killer branch to prove a theory.

What I'm saying is, you can't download and use LEAF. You can download
and use something (and many things) that were made possible directly
from LEAF. LEAF is a conglomeration of seperate ideas, processes, and
directions with a common ground and brotherhood and /or community. LEAF
is a win-win project for the developers, by the developers. 

When I go to Walmart, I don't come home and say that I bought a Walmart;
rather I say I bought something _at_Walmart_. The many things I buy at
Walmart causes me to come back more often and explore what else I could
get at Walmart.... and that I do. When someone finds _something_at_LEAF,
they will know that it is not LEAF in the full meaning of the project,
but rather one useful piece that makes up LEAF . They will also know
that there is most likely more good things to try at LEAF. 

It amounts to name marketing through the sum of the individual,
different pieces that the name contains. For the public growth of the 
project as a whole. I personally develop for LEAF, not just Dachstein,
or Bering, or Oxygen, or branchX. I watch some other embedded distro's
grow as well. Matthew Grant is doing a new WAN router thing according
to his 'plains' website. You still can't write protect a FreeSCO disk
and boot your machine. Coyote is pretty much a small harddisk distro
now. BBImage has a real nice floppy disk generator using a 2.4.x kernel
via CGI. PicoBSD might as well not even exist anymore. Solaris sucks on
an i86, but rules on a Sparc.

I develop for LEAF, and LEAF only. This is because I like the individual
and sum of all the parts better than anything else available. The
community is great too. 

Proposing a split? Rather, an idea to increase traffic and potential
users back to the place we all call home.

</soapbox and apologies to those of you who paid to download this>

~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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