On 2/27/02 at 4:28 PM, Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The last consideration is licensing. David is using the
> MIT license, and everyone else is using GPL. From what I
> understand reading the iBiblio licensing page, only one
> license is allowed per repository.

Sounds like I'm the odd man out, eh?  :-)

I'd like to see each distro get a files area on ibiblio - that would
solve the above problem as well.  Each distribution needs some
recognition; LEAF isn't one distro, it's a conglomeration.

LEAF itself (apart from any distributions) doesn't really have any
files - unless you count packages, maybe.  Of course, each package may
have different licensing as well - djb's tools all have that funky
license, but others have different licenses.  I'm sure I must have
packaged some with a MIT/BSD license somewhere....

I'd like to see each distro get:

* Freshmeat entry
* ibiblio directory
* Linux.com entry in distribution listing...
* Any other archives/collections...

Whatever came of trying to use GNU Savannah?

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