Hi Folks

First reports on the nameif applet, basically it does what one would
expect, e.g. renaming the interfaces.


- The interface cannot be up when being renamed

- There is no dynamic behaviour, but that was to be expected.

- The interface order is kept, e.g. interface #12 remains #12 even when
being renamed. This may confuse other programs like webconf.

- There is no way to quickly reorder the interface names because of name
collisions. This can be addressed by either iterating twice through a
MAC list or by defining a long mactab which first gives the interface a
temporary name or by using two different mactabs and running nameif twice.

I tend to like the method with the long duplicate maclist best, as it is
the most comprehensive method to implement and requites only a single
run of nameif

Here is the proposed format for /etc/mactab

# give the interfaces temporary names to avoid naming clashes
t-eth0          00:10:f3:08:4d:8b
t-eth1          00:10:f3:08:4d:8c
t-eth2          00:10:f3:08:4d:8d
t-eth3          00:10:f3:08:4d:8e
t-eth4          00:10:f3:08:4d:8f
t-eth5          00:10:f3:08:4d:90
t-eth6          00:10:f3:08:4d:91
t-eth7          00:10:f3:08:4d:92
t-eth8          00:10:f3:08:4d:93
t-eth9          00:10:f3:08:4d:94
t-eth10         00:10:f3:08:4d:95
t-eth11         00:10:f3:08:4d:96
# now assign the final names to the interfaces
eth0            00:10:f3:08:4d:8b
eth1            00:10:f3:08:4d:8c
eth2            00:10:f3:08:4d:8d
eth3            00:10:f3:08:4d:8e
eth4            00:10:f3:08:4d:8f
eth5            00:10:f3:08:4d:90
eth6            00:10:f3:08:4d:91
eth7            00:10:f3:08:4d:92
eth8            00:10:f3:08:4d:93
eth9            00:10:f3:08:4d:94
eth10           00:10:f3:08:4d:95
eth11           00:10:f3:08:4d:96



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