
at 04.10.2012 15:05, Yves Blusseau wrote:
> Or we can use another name that ethX ?
> em0            00:10:f3:08:4d:8b
> em1            00:10:f3:08:4d:8c
> em2            00:10:f3:08:4d:8d
> em3            00:10:f3:08:4d:8e
> em4            00:10:f3:08:4d:8f
> em5            00:10:f3:08:4d:90
> em6            00:10:f3:08:4d:91
> em7            00:10:f3:08:4d:92
> em8            00:10:f3:08:4d:93
> em9            00:10:f3:08:4d:94
> em10           00:10:f3:08:4d:95
> em11           00:10:f3:08:4d:96

It is completely up to the user, my firewalls used the legacy settings
form the past and I will definitely not touch my firewall builder
database when moving to a new version of BuC.

We should deliver an empty mactab file.



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