Hello Matt, 

Am 12:30 2003-06-21 -0700 hat Matt Schalit geschrieben:
>Michelle Konzack wrote:

>Hey Mich, welcome back.  You had some wild setups going
>back then, cutting edge stuff, but now your site is down?

Unfortunately yes...
In 1999/2000 I was running a 2 MBit Cabel Modem in Strasbourg with 
LRP 2.9.4. First with the dhcp.lrp and then wit a fixed IP...

Since I have very big problems with my health (waiting of a new kidney)
my activity was droped...

>Oh well, hopefully things will work out for you.  Certainly
>complex networking is easier these days.

I will try to get an 128kBit ADSL connection to put my Network online...
But need to find a dyn-DNS Provider where I can have up to three Domains 
and very much more HOSTS... If possibel, with my own master-DNS 

<http://www.tzo.com/> offer this Service but it is not free and I have no 
International VISA Card to pay for it. 

>Like the other guys said.  Keep swapping hardware and flashing
>bios as needed.

I really think on trying to get TEAC FD-235HF Drives in Big-Packs 
or CF-IDE-Controllers wit cheep 16 MByte Cards. 

>Go for Bering w/o uclibc (or with it if you thing it'll help).

??? without or with uclibc ??? 

Hmmm, thats interesting !!!

>You might want to poke around WISP-Dist because Vlad has some
>good wireless action going on there (also part of LEAF).
>Okey naw,

Thanks an a nice day

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