On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Simon Michael <si...@joyful.com> wrote:

> Hi Stefano, I agree. Many things should be more straightforward and
> better documented.
> I think we could pick out a few common tasks to focus our
> tool-building/documenting efforts on. Eg:
> 1. importing bank data and CSV generally. All of the tools and basic
> generic workflows for this should be described on one page. Focus on
> CSV, but we should mention OFX too (ledger-autosync is arguably best at
> this with its download feature).

FWIW, there's a generic OFX converter in LedgerHub as well.

(I'm planning to keep that importer in the LedgerHub revamp as a default
and example, and will likely include a configurable CSV importer as well.)

> 2. exporting all data and reports as CSV
> 3. moving data between the ledger-likes (ledger, hledger, beancount...).
> Again, all tools and techniques gathered on one page. All existing
> formats should be listed. The output of "ledger print" is a sort of
> lowest common denominator, I propose we give it a name and decree that
> every tool should import this as a basic interchange format. And/or a
> standardised CSV representation of it, such as "hledger print -O csv"

Beancount has reports to convert from its syntax to Ledger and HLedger.
Defined here:

Converting from Beancount to Ledger in a non-lossy way is possible because
of the nature of dated assertions, but not possible the other way around,
you have to drop the file-based assertions.


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