On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 10:56 AM, John Wiegley <jo...@newartisans.com> wrote:

> >>>>> "M" == Marcos  <nitegale...@gmail.com> writes:
> M> 2. Yes. It is possible to encrypt text files too.
> If you have just one Ledger file, you can encrypt it with Gpg, and then
> use a
> wrapper script that unencrypts it and feeds the result via a pipe to
> "ledger
> -f -".
> It would be nice for Ledger to natively read and decrypt Gpg files, which
> would then work with including files.
> What I do is to create an encrypted loopback filesystem (on the Mac, this
> is
> called an "encrypted sparsebundle"), in which I store all my Ledger files.

Which is also what I do, which is better IMO, as you can store all kinds of
other files in the same repo, all encrypted under that fs.
Encryption lives very well as a filesystem layer, should not have to be
weaved directly into all the programs we use.


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