Dr Mike
Amusing though your rants sometimes are, your response says more about you than 
it does about me. Yes I am for real and I'm in no way anti-Semitic.
My father comes from Lvov/Lviv and I live in f88king Alwoodley for Yarways (sp) 
sake and have just got back in from talking to one of my evil long nosed smell 
of the night neighbors (he'll just love that !) who wanted a favour of me.  I 
did, though have a bacon sandwich for lunch. Last time you bawled me out was 
because you appeared to have no idea that Green was THE Islamic colour or of 
its significance ! 
If you genuinely don't know that circuitous measures are taken by "some" Jewish 
sects which are specifically designed to prevent them having to take any sort 
of legal action against those of the same group, then it is your education that 
is lacking and not mine. Your comments are beyond the pale and yes I do know 
what that really means (and where it actually was). 
Who explained it to this gentile ? - well it was a Jewish (lawyer) mate who 
does have some working understanding of such practices. He didn't go into any 
massive detail as that wasn't necessary for my comprehension of the point.
If you wish to understand the sale and leaseback deals then simply dismissing 
relevant factors such as this will serve only to keep you in the dark - or as 
many other do - draw you to completely the wrong conclusions. 
You will be personally aware that certain Jewish families asked neighbors (who 
were sometimes also Jews but with whatever different practices) to come into 
their Moortown houses on the Sabbath to switch off/on electric lights and such 
like. As you of course know very well, it was to do with their particular 
beliefs and practices and this is no different to that. It is about third 
parties doing things that you yourself may not be able to do. No different from 
some some Catholics and meat on Fridays and high days. No different to Islamic 
banking practices and the steps taken to comply, whilst still being able to 
function in business - and how relevant is that going to be to this club ? 
Dismiss it and you will fail to understand some things that take place.

Whilst I'm here - how about my current favourite currently topical, 
stereotypical anti Semitic joke - (I think it covers multiple bases)

Why are Jewish men always circumcised ?

It is because you simply cannot get a Jewish woman interested in anything 
without at least 10% off.
(as told to me by a Jewish 'princess').

I also particularly liked the expression "dead sea pedestrians" and one I heard 
the other day -
No shit shylock !

The reality is that I'm perfectly Kosher - but not in its strictly Jewish sense.
In fact a couple of weeks ago a Leeds fan sometimes known as Balti told me that 
he had actually assumed that I was Jewish. He must have seen me eating bagels n 
minced chicken liver with Anthony Clavanne.

Peace and Salaam Alaikum
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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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