
Is Rosaria's birth surname Testini and her birth father's surname Testa?

Does this have something to do with female/male pronunciation of the surname or a cultural following of the female, rather than the male line? If not, why would Rosaria's birth surname be different than her father's?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ruth Nerud" <>

I'm creating a Descendent Book using Publishing Center. I have the box checked Show line back to starting person but the surname of the ancestors of the main entry are incorrect; i.e.,

Rosaria Testini's father is Salvatore Sconza Testa whose father is Giovanni Sconza Testa but the report reads:

Rosaria Testini (Salvatore, Giovanni) which implies their surname is also Testini which is incorrect. I'll report this as a bug.

Ruth A. (Sconza Testa) Nerud

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