Let me start by quoting from Legacy 8 Help File where it is stated: ” Legacy
is a family history computer program that makes it extremely easy to store
your genealogical information.”  I have same sex relationships in my family.
I wish to record all of their relationships whether married or not or in
same sex relationships.  Legacy 8 does not provide the means whereby I can
record those relationships at this time.  This is, I think, a large deficiency
in the software, which is an excellent software in all other respects.  I
have family in the United States as well as Sweden.  I am therefore able to
produce reports on my family in both English and Swedish, as far as I know,
it is the only genealogical software that makes this possible.  Ken
McGinnis, Millennia’s Vice President and one of its programmers wrote this
on October 18, 2006:

“It wasn't a moral issue. It was simply over looked in the early stages of
Legacy design. Currently there are all kinds of queries when collecting
spouses for a person. We look at the main person we want and get his
gender. That then tells us how to do the queries. If we had to look on
both sides of the marriage record (we have a Husband ID and a Wife ID
as we call them) things would be a lot more complicated and would slow
down quite a bit. This would hit all kinds of areas in Legacy and with
our current database design wouldn't be very efficient. We know this
issue has been important for many and will continue to grow in importance.
To implement it correctly would take quite a bit of work and would not
only affect Legacy but all of the current add-on programs. I guess
because of the complexity of a change at this point we have held off. At
some point the presure of things will force us to dive in and make the
changes required.


Ken McGinnis
Millennia Corporation

We changing the world of genealogy!”

I know that there is a work around that isn’t perfect, but it is the only
way to get same sex relationships recorded in Legacy 8 at present.  Information
on this work around is available at:

As I recall, the last time this subject was up for discussion someone from
Millennia stopped the thread, which, I think was a mistake.  We should be
able to discuss this deficiency in an open way, without the discussion
being stopped by Millennia.

I am 75 years young and a retired Minister of the Gospel and I have no
desire to impose my moral values on anyone else.  I simply want to be able
to enter the same sex relationships that exist in my family.  I can say, as
did Ellen, God bless, however her conclusion that she is thankful for
Legacy not giving us, who wish to record these relationships, the ability
to do so is something with which I can not agree.  On March 31, 2008 I
started a discussion on this subject on the Translation and Test lists.  It
is obvious that Millennia has not felt “the pressure of things” so that
they will feel forced “to dive in and make the changes required”.  Just my
2 cents worth.

Leonard Johnson
Swedish Translation Team
We are helping change the world of genealogy !

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