What I would personally like to see is a list of the
changes/alterations/amendments listed in each new build. Many other
programmes do this so you can see what have been updated but (I may be
wrong) I haven't seen this on the Legacy site? Is there a reason for this
or is it not practical for some reason - or am I alone in my "like".

I have purchased the pdf version of the book but so far have not had time
to read through it much - I have been so busy learning tips, hits and
tricks from this User Group that it hasn't seemed too necessary to read it


On 5 January 2014 05:37, hwedhlor <hwedh...@cox.net> wrote:

>  Ron,
> Having worked with computers since 1964 when many still had vacuum tube
> amplifiers, and having worked as a programmer, senior technical writer,
> systems engineer and database manager, among other duties, as well as
> acting as a beta for a wide variety of software manufacturers, I feel that
> I am very familiar with the software industry.
> You obviously did not read carefully what I wrote.  I did not advocate,
> nor mention, providing program updates to Millennia's software at no cost
> to the customer.  I only speculated on alternative means of providing
> more current versions of documentation to Millennia's customers who had
> already paid for the program and its documentation.  In the case of the PDF
> manual version I fail to see where offering a free download update to that
> PDF file to those customers who had already purchased a PDF manual would
> represent any significant added cost to Millennia if they are udating that
> PDF version regularly anyway.  Naturally such customers would have to
> provide their customer number to validate their entitlement to the updated
> PDF manual.
> I am always amazed at how people manage to comment on other people's
> writing without reading that writing.  Any software firm is faced with a
> juggling act between holding production costs at bay while also supporting
> their customer base with adequate documentation.  My suggestions were made
> with both concerns in mind, and I feel they offered options that might
> satisfy both needs.
> John Zimmerman
> Mesa, AZ
>  On 04-Jan-14 1:06 PM, Ron Bernier wrote:
>  On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 2:01 PM, hwedhlor <hwedh...@cox.net> wrote:
>> I can understand the need for lead time in producing a printed manual.  I
>> can also understand that things change after a printed manual is produced.
>> Perhaps a better, or alternative way of providing the Legacy printed
>> reference manual would be for Millennia to use an on-demand publishing
>> service, such as Lulu.  That way they could provide the publisher with
>> updates on a regular basis and customers purchasing a printed manual would
>> get the latest version when they buy.
>> The PDF version of the Legacy reference manual should be constantly
>> updated along with the Help files.  Those who purchased a PDF Legacy manual
>> should be provided with a means of downloading the latest version of the
>> PDF manual whenever it is updated, and at no cost to the customer.  Updates
>> to the PDF manual could be provided to an on-demand publisher of the
>> printed version to keep that version in sync with the PDF version and the
>> Help files.
>> I am a huge fan of Geoff Rasmussen's Legacy webinars, and have attended
>> almost every one of them.  Although Geoff's book, "Unlocking Legacy 8" is
>> very useful and enjoyable to read, because it is patterned after the "Watch
>> Geoff Live" webinar presentations it is not well-suited for use as a easy
>> reference work because it lacks an index.  One must be willing to read
>> through an entire chapter in search of a particular setting or partial
>> process.
>> John Zimmerman
>> Mesa, AZ
>>  On 04-Jan-14 8:25 AM, Randy Clark wrote:
>> The manual was a waste of money as it's in the help file and there was no
>> way to know this in advance.
> Legacy/Millennia already provides free upgrades to their software - most
> of those free upgrades have been substantial updates to the software that
> many companies would have called a new version and charged customers for an
> update.  Millennia has not done that.  Updating the user manual every time
> there has been a change to the software could and would become an expensive
> undertaking for Millennia, yet you think that they should undertake this
> additional cost - free of charge to their customers.  The help files are
> kept updated and I personally think that is sufficient.
>  I'd be curious to know what other software company/companies update
> their manual (whether printed or pdf) every time they have an update to
> their software.  I am always amazed at how people have this mentality that
> a company has bottomless pockets and therefore being a customer entitles
> them to all the freebies they can get regardless of the cost to the company.
>  Ron Bernier
> Woonsocket, RI
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