To all of you who replied to my question on “Changing Program”: I sincerely 
appreciate hearing from you. As genealogists, we are all aware of the hard work 
and countless hours involved in researching our families. These families are 
our connection to the past and are very precious. Right, Lucy Shore? We have 
worked together on our “communal” family. J


It’s good to know that Legacy is such a good program and so well thought of. I 
have been aware of this program for a very long time and almost switched over 
at one point but then chickened out.




Hi Dorothy


I've been using Legacy for many years now so I'm sure you'll like it!! I also 
know of FTM users who have made the transfer and, while I'm not sure about the 
transfer process, haven't regretted the move!!


Good luck...and enjoy!




On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 11:50 AM, kwnbmn <> wrote:

Hi Dorothy. 


Going from Family Tree Maker to Legasie was the best thing i ever did. 


When i transfered i simply exported as a gedcom file and impoted it. 





Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S8+.


-------- Original message --------

From: Genechaser <> 

Date: 3/10/18 12:14 PM (GMT-05:00) 


Subject: [LegacyUG] Changing Programs? 


I presently using Family Tree Maker 2005 (a fairly old one). However, Family 
Tree Maker (FTW) is now in the hands of McKiev since the demise of, (they have been gobbled up by and I am not a member 
of Ancestry). There were  a number of things I could do in FTW software like 
saving reports to desktop other than to My Documents, exporting a file to .pdf 
– things I am unable to do now. As a result, I am thinking very seriously of 
changing software for my family genealogy. 


I have a huge concern, however. I have spent the better part of 17 years 
accumulating information on my families and I don’t want to lose any of this 
information. Some of my files are huge. So here is my question:


Is there a way I can transfer all my files to Legacy? Has anybody on the list 
ever done this? I am scared to death to lose any of this information.


I would be grateful for any information and guidance readers can give me,




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