What "Event" are you using? If you say the Clipping is an Obituary then that event definition is automatically marked to be excluded from the potential problems and the event date will not be reported.

My practice is to only use Newspaper articles as sources for the events they report. The date of the clipping then is the date published for the source not the date of the event. In the case of a death notice I normally just use the clipping as a death source. When I use the obituary event the date of the clipping is then the date of the obituary. The Obituary sentence definition is [HisHer] obituary was published in the [Desc] [onDate] [inPlace]. So the Desc should be the name of the newspaper and the clipping date becomes the date published. Place would be the location of the newspaper (some obituaries are published in papers far away from the place of death). The examples of that I have seen are obituaries published in a paper where the person is being interred or where one of the survivors lives.

Brian Kelly

On 16-Dec-22 10:03 p.m., Terry Montgomery wrote:
I had been putting the date of a newspaper clipping as the date of an event.

But that poses problems when the clipping is a death notice. I get 'event after death'.

What do other people do with dates on newspaper clippings?

Terry Montgomery


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