> I was aware of this and just wanted to get a consensus by the data
creators: the users.

This is an admirable impulse, but it is worth emphasizing that those of us
who participate on OSM listservs are a small and unrepresentative fraction
of the project's 5.9 million registered users. Lists like this one are a
great way to find the slice of users who are most interested and passionate
about a particular issue, and who consequently can be expected to have
well-informed (and often strongly held) opinions that reflect the gamut of
possible answers.

But if you are seeking consensus, the closest thing available is the text
of the license itself and guidelines that have been approved by elected
members of the OSMF board. Usually when there is broad agreement on an
issue, the answer is memorialized in a wiki page that people find before
they wind up here :-)
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