I'd like to propose a sprint to discuss Leo 5.6. This should happen only 
after Leo 5.5 final goes out the door. This could be a virtual sprint, 
conducted entirely on leo-editor or #leo, or an actual sprint, perhaps in 
Ashland, WI or Superior MN.

There are both design and coding issues to be discussed. The main question 
is what do we want Leo 5.6 to do, and why.

I am not interested in chasing after org-mode features, unless people 
really want them. In particular, emulating org-mode tables (including its 
spreadsheet features) seems like a lot of work.

Several new features do stand out:

- Better integration with .org files, say by supporting .leo.org or org.leo 
- Replace attrib_edit by p.drawers. 
- Support for pyzo's client/server based shell.  It this needed? Do 
valuespace or python_console plugins suffice? I suspect pyzo's architecture 
is better, but I'm not sure how much better.

And any other topics you might want to discuss.

Yes, I've declared this to be quiet time, but *short *comments will be 
welcome now.


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