> Well, discussion shows that we're agree about the worthiness of this 
> exploration. 

Yes, we do!

> I think that Sqlite limitations you mention will be far to reach compared 
> with XML limitations

I don't agree. The concurrency problems will, but the problems to have 
Sqlite files under git are here right now 

*In short, you’ll probably be unhappy trying to keep a database versioned 
> using a source control system.*

...unless you use Fossil as VCS, of course!

But then, *we all have to have clear in our minds *that using Sqlite as the 
next Leo file format *is forcing us to take those files out of git, or to 
use Fossil* as VCS. Yes or yes. And those are important facts!!

XML limitations, which are now starting to show now, like reloading 
> settings time.  

I insist: reloading settings time in Leo is not a limitation of its XML 
file format! As I have already tried to explain, that is a separate problem 
which can be solved by its own and which should be independent of the 
backend used as storage.

I would try to take this first step forward and after that, extend 
> exploration to other fronts, like any database or DVCS. Concrete steps and 
> after that proper abstraction would be my approach. 

I agree in that exploration or prototyping is a good way to go forward, but 
well... problem anticipation is also a great tool! It can help you save a 
lot of time or even avoid some crashes. Shouldn't I warn you if I know 
there's a big hole in the road some meters in front of you? ;-)

Something similar is happening in the Pharo community, adding closer 
> integration with Git, and after that abstracting to others (Fossil, 
> Mercurial).

Good to know. At the end we all are trying to solve the same problems! Do 
you already have a common API to interact with them? Please share with us 
whatever you have on that side.

But again: I would separate the VCS integration question from the Leo 
storage format. They are different issues which deserve deep analysis and 
design on they own.

> Unfortunately my expertise is far away from Leo and Python these days and 
> closer to Grafoscopio and Pharo, but I try to keep an eye on the list and, 
> at least, comment on possibilities and approaches.
> Cheers,
> Offray

Yes please! I really would like to understand how did you did to have this nice 
for your outlines in Grafoscopio! At which moment do you use the STON 
format? Is it just before making the diff?

I would like to know more of the details: how could I get into them?

Thanks in advance,

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